How you can put

your blocks on web

in 3D

Your solution for digitalization

Blocks digitalization

Marmo3D by OBJVISION is the best
integrated system for on-line sales
of Natural Stone Raw Blocks

This will allow you to devote your precious time to a greater number of customers and to negotiate in parallel with a plurality of them.

Thanks to Authentic 3D Viewer, your buyers will be able to get your stock on their desk and decide to e-mark them immediately, without needing to wait for their visit.

The buyer needs time to think and make his considerations about your proposal. In the physical world, it impeeds you to deal with more than one buyer at a time: no buyer is likely to easily accept the presence of another buyer around him at the very purchase time.

This is nothing relevant in the virtual world with the sound advantage for the seller to play his negotiations on separate tables at the same time.

Block list with link

Get your personal pdf created and easily manageable with Excel where you can create personalized block lists for your clients

Show to your selected clients only those blocks you want them to see:
from your control panel you will generate a simple pdf document representing the desired BLOCK LIST (branded with your Logo) where your buyer will find per each block a link to access on the spot to the associated 3D model.

You could send the pdf with a mail or whatsapp or even announce it on your social channel, readable with your permission on request.

The link to the viewer directly address the buyer to the block model, so you can easily manage to send it within a message or an email text.

Device compatibility

Complete compatibility with all smartphones, pc and tablet both Android and Mac

Your Buyer will be able to experience (probably for the first time) the virtual inspection of your block on sale from any possible device which could be most convenient for him:

A wide hi quality screen, a laptop, an Ipad or tablet or a mobile phone are all possible channels to run the vision.

For the best final understanding of natural material details, we recommend a desktop view with at list Full HDresultion (1920 x 1080 pixel).

For the best final understanding of natural material details, we recommend a desktop view with at list a Full HD resolution screen (1920 x 1080 pixel).


The viewer is the very central point
of all the system

The viewer is designed to suite in a very intuitive and natural way all the actions required to carry out the virtual inspection:

Colors are extremely accurate and realistic, details are amazing, and it is very easy to orientate zoom, rotate, move aside and even measure the block.

In a matter of seconds, your buyer will be able to understand all relevant details and get full confidence of the features of the block, surely enough to run the negotiation without delay.

Your 3D Blocks into your website

Already have an organized on-line store or wish to have one as a part of your website?

Marmo3D by OBJVISION supports the 3D digitalization interacting with your IT Team and giving you all API and Plug-in to directly show your 3D blocks in your website, besides or instead of our main Market Place that comes for free.

Our software contains the results of a deep experience we put at your full disposal and you will enjoy at a glance the effective result of a professional 3D system coming from tremendous R/D work.

Your Private Virtual Yard

Marmo3D by OBJVISION provides for your brand a ready-made virtual yard
fully fit to place your 3D blocks on line within an organized Market Place

Marmo3D by OBJVISION provides YOUR LOGO enhanced into your ready-made virtual yard fully fit to place your 3D blocks on line within an organized Market Place:

It comes with filters that help your buyer search what exactly fits for them, making it very easy to aggregate the desired list in a trolley directly addressed to you.

This platform serves as a landing page for your social media communication, and it also is targeted by our adv campaigns. That is YOUR OWN SPACE: buyers looking for blocks will directly write you, and there’s not a single due penny for extra commissions whatsoever.

Our scope is to fit you with state-of-art 3D virtual systems to digitalize your whole sales funnel in a way your buyers will love.

Your brand could be highlighted in the market place

Your brand is the reference lighthouse of your business, the gravity center of all communication

We give extreme importance to the relevance of your brand: buyers looking for your blocks will have easy life and immediately recognize your presence to reach your virtual yard.

It’s a matter of touch and they will be able to explore your stock, understand your quality offer and roam around the unique pieces of your material collection.

Your contact data will be available at the fingertips. They will find all relevant info about your quarries of physical deposits, your organization, and your special abilities.

Your private page will be there to ensure your client about the consistent presence of your company in the market and to let them know how good it is to deal with you and your Team. That is the most convenient, effective, and desirable way to make your brand is notable in the internet cloud.

Purchase Trolley

Once the buyer will have identified any specific block as suitable
for negotiation he may add it to the purchase trolley

Every time a block is added the counter will show the number of pieces and total weight. A brief list shall be created to resume the selection.

The list can be revised at any point in time and it is extremely simple to recall a 3D model in case of need. Once all is done and the buyer wishes to start a negotiation, he may press the “confirm” button and an email shall immediately be sent to you so the list of blocks in object shall be shared and it will be a clean reference point from where to start the technical discussion and commercial negotiation.

The shared list can be adjusted with the addition and removal of items and it will become final after the negotiation will end: in fact, often the point of discussion is to add/remove a specific block because its peculiar value may affect the average price: Marmo3D Trolley system is interactive and positively supports negotiation progresses through all the steps.

How to digitalize

A digitalization path is a major task for your brand in block business, which starts from the very moment when you decide to go beyond the wall which divides real and digital world

How to digitalize

Stone business is no doubt very late compared to most of the other business lines, this created a tension to fill a gap which is going to happen extremely fast and now it is the very time for it.

Those companies which first will start professionally and drastically their digitalization with the support of 3D systems will enjoy a world of difference.

People (Your Buyers) understand what they can see and touch, what about they easily find you and see your products online while your competitor is not there? You’ll have built a great edge of difference.

You’re not alone in this way: we are here to accompany you with sure and easy steps to make you fully independent and fit for the world beyond the wall.

Free Demo – Service

Starting has never been so simple

There’s a demo yard in Carrara area that is anytime ready to receive your blocks and put them on-line in your own virtual yard.

Even for one single block, we will instantly build a virtual space under your logo and brand. There your 3D digitalized block model will go immediately visible and reachable from the buyers around the world.

Fix Station

Any block yard could be fit with a CINEMA STUDIO 3D Web Solution Fix Station

The dark room is inside illuminated by calibrated light with the sun-like spectrum, so that the photographic process has the best conditions to perform faithful colors irrespectively any weather conditions outside.

3D TANGO (Smart Tilting Device) and 3D SWINGER (Intelligent Roto-translator) will take very good care of your block and effortlessly move it all 6 faces round to let the 3D Web system capturing its beauty Physical management of the Station is intuitive and assisted by dedicated software that helps out operator: any operator capable to run a yard can easily learn how to operate a CINEMA STUDIO.

Moving Station

Ideal to serve different yards locally, the Moving Station named EISENHOWER
literally brings 3D capturing door to door:

A 40′ container-like structure can be moved and set up anywhere: once on the site, the structure opens and an inflatable structure will quickly create dark-room conditions.

On-board 3D TANGO and 3D SWINGER are pre-install and ready to work at any time.

The station comes with an on-board satellite connection so that the operator can connect with the server and immediately put on-line blocks.

Multi-yard management

For those Quarries having several Quarry Yards (as well so called “Multiplex Yard”) located in different areas

One Company may consider one moving station to send one by one to each location to provide service where it is required.

At the same time, this quarry may start providing service to those who are neighbors. This way will attract buyers’ demand with outcoming business advantages.

Do you want to do SERVICE to THIRD PARTIES? (fixed station)

If you have a yard with crane in a blocks production area…

Fixed station

…you may consider placing there a CINEMA STUDIO 3D WEB Fixed Station and coordinates with local producers of blocks, helping out them to put their blocks on-line.

It is also possible to combine own use with service to third parties, to optimize the investment.

A company that can help out its neighbors to put their production on-line in 3D is taking a position highly respectable and it is going to reinforce its leading position.

Do you want to do SERVICE to THIRD PARTIES? (moving station)

Moving Station named EISENHOWER is a solution that allows to those Service Companies active in Stone
to provide 3D Web door to door service to all the block sellers belonging to the area

Fixed Station

Earth Machines renting or servicing, sawing, Polishing Companies and those who already provide door-to-door service to repair defective blocks with vacuum resin are all very good candidates to invest in a new, disrupting service which allows them to give to their dear clients something extra-valuable. Added-on support this time meant to enhance marketing strategy and actions.

Our first EISENHOWER buyer in any area is most welcome to be the perfect candidate as the sole distributor in that specific territory. This way business will grow even more when local quarries will feel confident to invest in a new 3D web technology.

Become concessionary

We believe in stable business relation as the mainstream for long-term profit

If you feel your company has a great reputation in a certain quarry area and you wish to promote our system there, we will be more than happy to interact with you and discuss this possibility.

Once you will be affiliated with our Network, you will enjoy an array of benefits.

Sure profits on the whole sales volume in the area Company name proudly listed in our website as an official agent. Supportive marketing investments from our Company as principal to enhance contacts and sales of machines and services addressing all buyers to discuss with the Concessionary as first front end.