Giroscopic View Marmo3D Block
Giroscopic View is a copyright of Marmo3D by OBJVISION:
it is concerning an innovative way to represent through a short movie all the key aspects of a 3D Marble Block, including:
- Dinamic view of all the six faces
- General shape and appearence of the block
- Color and Texture
This Marmo3D videoclip could be used to generate:
- Slide Show Pictures from frames of the video
- GIF of all or part of the video
This view could be used as a pre-view of marble block, eventually activated from the “Hover” passage of the mouse on the Thumb Icon.
See Marmo3D CINEMA STUDIO in action
Video 2
La stessa sequenza é qui rappresentata con resa iper-realistica.
l’intera sequenza é visualizzata in sequenza accelerata: il processo reale dura circa 20 minuti
Dopo la ripresa i blocchi del cliente potranno andare on-line in 3D in brevissimo tempo
Guarda gli esempi in www.marmo3d.com
- Stazione Fissa
- Stazione Mobile
(entry level evoluto)
(top di gamma)
- Componenti
(Roto-traslatore intelligente, sempre incluso)
(Smart Block Tilter, opzionale)